Region: Wiśnicz Foothills

Wiśnicz Foothills – a physico-geographical mesoregion constituting the eastern part of the West Beskids Foothills, located between the valleys of Raba and Dunajec. From the west it borders with the Wieliczka Foothills, from the east with the Rożnów Foothills, from the south with the Wyspowy Beskid.

The foothills are characterized by elongated wide flattened humps, separated by narrow depressions of erosive origin. A characteristic feature of the hills of the Wiśnickie Foothills is the presence of numerous rocks protruding from the ground, apical outliers and outcrops.

The highest peaks: Rogozowa 536 m, Glichowiec 527 m, Szpilówka 516 m, Piekarska Góra 515 m, Ostrysz 507 m, Grodzisko 502 m, Bukowiec 494 m, Sołtysie Góry 492 m, Mahulec 483 m, Trupielec 476 m, Dominiczna Góra 468 m, Krowia Góra 456 m, Paprotna 441 m.

Hikes in the Wiśnicz Foothills:

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