Tag - Bystra Valley

Bystra Valley – a large valley in the Polish part of the Western Tatra Mountains, approximately 6 km long and with an area of ​​approximately 17 km². Its outlet is located in the Zakopane Basin between the slopes of Nosal and Krokiew, in the upper part it approaches the main ridge of the Western Tatras on the section from Kopa Kondracka (2005 m a.s.l.) to Kasprowy Wierch (1987 m a.s.l.).

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The left slopes of the valley form the northern ridge of Kopa Kondracka, Giewont and Krokiew, the right slopes form the north-eastern ridge of Kasprowy Wierch. The narrow outlet is located in Kuźnice at an altitude of 930 m.

The valley branches into several branches. The Jaworzynka Valley branches off in Kuźnice and runs towards the south-east. The Kasprowa Valley, divided upwards into Sucha Kasprowa under the rocky outcrops of Kasprowy Wierch and Stare Szałasiska under the precipitous walls of Zawrat Kasprowy. They are separated by the Bałda ridge, culminating in the higher peak of Uhrocie Kasprowy. The Goryczkowa Valley, further up divided into the Goryczkowa Valley under Zakosy and the Goryczkowa Świńska Valley. The Kondratowa Valley, whose eastern branch is the Sucha Kondracka Valley and upwards it branches into the Małego Szeroki Valley with Piekło and Długi Żleb.

The valley is made of both sedimentary and crystalline rocks. It was shaped in various places by the glaciers covering it, as well as by karst processes. The result of karst processes are numerous caves, grottos and rock niches. The most famous of them are: Magurska Cave, Bystrej Cave and Kasprowa Niżnia Cave. Due to the porosity of the limestone substrate, a large part of the valley is dry, because the water flows in underground streams, and permanent streams exist mainly in the lower parts of the valleys. In places, water flows out of the substrate in large karst springs. The largest of them are: Wywierzysko Bystra, Goryczkowe Wywierzysko, Kasprowe Wywierzysko. At the bottom of the valley flows the Bystra stream, which is formed by the Goryczkowy and Kasprowy streams.

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