Tag - Lysina Pass

Sedlo Lysina – a mountain pass at an altitude of 1029 m a.s.l. in the Čergov Mountains in Slovakia. The pass is located in the eastern part of the main ridge of the Čergov Mountains, separating the peak of Veľká Javorina (1099 m a.s.l.) from the east and Solisko (1057 m a.s.l.) from the west. To the north of the pass there is a side ridge descending through the peak of Panteliš (899 m a.s.l.) to the village of Kríže.

The pass is shallow and its ridge in this place is quite narrow. The western slopes descend steeply to the Tokáreň Stream and the eastern slopes descend to the Javorový Potok Valley. In the area of ​​the pass there are extensive glades, to the west there is a distant view of the Tatra Mountains.

At the pass the blue hiking trail Pusté Pole – Vaniškovce and the green hiking trail Tokáreň – Kríže intersect.

Hikes related to the tag LYSINA PASS: