Tag - Maków Mountain

Maków Mountain – a peak at an altitude of 648 m a.s.l. in the Makowski Beskid. It is located in the western part of the Koskowa Góra Range. The north-eastern slopes descend to the Jachówka Stream, from the east it borders the Bryndzówka peak (697 m a.s.l.), the southern slopes descend to the Skawa River in Maków Podhalański and from the west it borders the Borysówka peak (610 m a.s.l.).

Maków Mountain is made of weathering-resistant Magura sandstones, under which there are softer shales. The top of the mountain is partially forested, arable fields and meadows approach almost to the very top. From the exposed places to the north there is a view of the Chełm Range with the dominant Chełm Mountain and East Chełm Mountain and in the distance the hills of the Wieliczka Foothills. To the west, there is a panorama of the Mały Beskid Mountains, and to the south, there is a view of the Żywiec-Orawa Beskid Mountains with the dominant Babia Góra.

There is no tourist trail leading through the peak. From the west, Maków Mountain is bypassed by the green Kalwaria – Maków Podhalański tourist trail, and from the south by the black Osiedle Piątkowa – Stańkowa tourist trail.

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