A summer and scenic hike in the Wyspowy Beskid. From the village of Rozdziele we ascend Łopusze, a mountain with three peaks. After reaching the blue trail, we ascend Łopusze Zachodnie, the highest peak of the Łopusze and Kobyła Range, on a fairly gentle approach. We descend to the lower...
Region: Wyspowy Beskid
Wyspowy Beskid – a physical and geographical mesoregion that is part of the Western Beskids. It is characterized by the occurrence of isolated, single peaks – islands from which it is named. It covers an area of approx. 1000 km² and is situated between the Makowski Beskid, the Rabka Basin, the Gorce Mountains, the Sącz Basin, and the Wiśnicz Foothills from the north. A characteristic feature of the Wyspowy Beskid is the presence of isolated peaks, which, like islands, rise 400–500 m above the typically piedmont areas. The peaks have steep, sometimes even very steep slopes. Usually, the northern ones are more sloping than the southern ones, but the plateau is usually flat, which is usually covered by a large glade.
Hikes in the Wyspowy Beskid: