Region: Little Fatra Mountains

Little Fatra Mountains – is a mountain range in the Western Carpathians in the north-west of Central Slovakia. It is situated between the cities of Nitrianske Pravno, Strečno, Martin and Zázrivá. Turčianska kotlina (Turiec Basin) and the Oravská vrchovina Mountains are situated to the west of the range, and Žilinská kotlina (Žilina Basin) and the Kysucká vrchovina Mountains is located to the east.
Malá Fatra consists of two subdivisions separated by the Váh river near Strečno: Lúčanská Malá Fatra and Krivánska Malá Fatra.

The highest peak is Veľký Kriváň at 1,709 m a.s.l. in Krivánska Malá Fatra.
Malá Fatra is basically one large karst feature. It is made up of crystalline rocks and complexes of Mesozoic strongly folded rocks.

The main peaks of Lúčanská Malá Fatra are Veľká Lúka (1,475 m), Kľak (1,351 m) and Minčol (1,364). The main peaks of the Krivánska Malá Fatra are Veľký Rozsutec (1,610 m), Malý Rozsutec (1,343 m), Veľký Kriváň (1,709 m) and Malý Kriváň (1,671 m).

Hikes in the Little Fatra Mountains:

Little Fatra Mountains - Stratenec

Stratenec Mountain

The second part of the scenic hike the Little Fatra Mountains. We descend from Malý Kriváň through Stratenec to the Kúr Valley. From the peak, we follow the red trail west, along the main ridge of the Little Fatra Mountains. On this section, we can admire wonderful views on every side...

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Little Fatra Mountains - Malý Kriváň Mountain

Malý Kriváň Mountain

Scenic hike in the Little Fatra Mountains. From the Kúr Valley we ascend Malý Kriváň. The blue trail leads along the valley floor along the picturesque Kúr Stream. When the valley branches in the upper part, we enter the Kukurišova Valley and then along the slopes of the Príslopok...

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Malá Fatra - Úplaz

Úplaz (Lúčanská Fatra)

The second part of the summer hike in the Malá Fatra. We descend from the scenic peak of Minčol in the Lúčanská Fatra to the Okopy Pass and ascend the slightly lower peak of Malý Minčol located nearby. The peak of Malý Minčol is overgrown with dwarf pine, which is rare at this altitude...

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Malá Fatra - Minčol

Minčol Mountain

Summer hike in the Malá Fatra Mountains. We set off from the mouth of the Kamenná Valley heading west. Initially, the trail leads through a picturesque valley of a seasonal stream. From the intersection of the Javorná trails, an intensive ascent leads to the Diaľna peak. Further along the...

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