Tag - Vráta Pass
Vráta Pass – a mountain pass at an altitude of 1446 m above sea level in the Little Fatra Mountains in Slovakia. It is located in the main ridge of the Kriváňska Malá Fatra, between Biele Skaly and Stratenc. The southeastern slopes called Pod Kriváňom are grassy and descend to the highest part of the Sučianska Valley. The northwestern slopes descend to the Kúr Valley (or more precisely to one of its branches called Prostredná Valley) and are strictly protected (Suchý Nature Reserve). Below the pass, they are overgrown with dwarf pine.
Two hiking trails intersect at the Vráta Pass. The red trail running along the main ridge of the Little Fatra Mountains is a section of the international E3 hiking trail, while the yellow trail is an alternative trail running through the passes and traversing the northern slopes of Biele Skaly and Suchý through the Suchý Reserve.
Hikes related to the tag VRÁTA PASS: