Region: Pewel-Krzeczów Ranges

Pewel-Krzeczów Ranges – a physiogeographic mesoregion in the Western Beskids, in southern Poland. It consists of the Pewelskie Range and the Żurawnica Group. It forms a small (123 km²) but distinctly marked depression in the terrain between the Mały Beskid Mountains from the north and the Żywiec-Orawa Beskid Mountains from the south, in the zone of the Magura nappe overthrust onto the Silesian one. From the west it borders the Żywiec Basin and from the east, for a short section, the Makowski Beskid. The highest peak is Baków (Czeretnik) with a height of 766 m above sea level. The landscape of the region is mostly made up of agricultural areas, primarily grasslands, in the higher parts there are spruce-fir and beech forests. The main ridges are cut by numerous valleys with fast-flowing streams. The Pewel-Krzeczów Ranges were distinguished as a mesoregion marked with the number 513.57 within the framework of the 2018 physiogeographic regionalization of Poland carried out by an inter-university team of geographers led by Jerzy Solon. Previously, this area belonged to two mesoregions: the Mały Beskid Mountains and the Makowski Beskid.

Hikes in the Pewel-Krzeczów Ranges:

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