Summer hike along the Eagle's Nests Trail to Bąkowiec Castle. At the beginning we visit the Okiennik Wielki rock group with a characteristic high rock with a rock opening in the shape of a window. Walking further we reach another rock group Jamnicze Skały located in the forest right next to the trail. After returning to the trail we cross a hill covered with a beautiful beech forest. At the crossroads of trails we turn left and reach the ruins of Bąkowiec Castle.

Virtual hike: Bąkowiec Castle on the Trail of the Eagles’ Nests, Poland
Route: Kroczyce, parking lot at Okiennik Wielki (384 m a.s.l.; 50.523922, 19.520811) – Okiennik Wielki (396 m a.s.l.; 50.524036, 19.523158) – Piaseczno (353 m a.s.l.; 50.533790, 19.530582) – Jamnicze Rocks (376 m a.s.l.; 50.538731, 19.52508) – Bąkowiec Castle (398 m a.s.l.; 50.550523, 19.520881)
Trail designation: red trail, paths marked on the map
Length: about 4.8 km
Walking time: about 1:40 h
Sum of approaches: 129 m
Sum down: 125 m

00:00:17 Kroczyce, parking lot at Okiennik Wielki
00:01:38 The Okiennik Wielki rock group
00:08:26 Okiennik Wielki
00:21:09 Red trail
00:33:18 Piaseczno
00:45:08 Going off the trail
00:49:18 Jamnicze Rocks
00:54:16 Red trail
01:10:08 Crossing of the red trail and the blue trail
01:10:44 Crossing of the red trail, the black and blue trail
01:13:10 Crossing of the red trail, the black and blue trail
01:14:05 Going off the trail
01:17:13 Bąkowiec Castle

Bąkowiec Castle in Morsko – ruins of a 14th-century castle on the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland, administratively located in Zawiercie, in the Skarżyce district.

Hike recorded on July 21, 2024.