A scenic hike on a sunny day in the Western Tatra Mountains. From Kuźnice we ascend Kopa Kondracka through Kondracka Pass. Initially, the blue trail leads along a wide...
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The second part of the scenic hike the Little Fatra Mountains. We descend from Malý Kriváň through Stratenec to the Kúr Valley. From the peak, we follow the red trail...
Scenic hike in the Little Fatra Mountains. From the Kúr Valley we ascend Malý Kriváň. The blue trail leads along the valley floor along the picturesque Kúr Stream. When...
The second part of the summer hike in the Żywiec-Orawa Beskid Mountains. We descend from Pilsko Mountain through Uszczawne Wyżne Mountain to Korbielów. From the peak, we...
A scenic hike through the Żywiec-Orawa Beskid Mountains. From Korbielów we ascend Pilsko, the second highest peak in the Western Beskids. Initially, the yellow trail...
Summer hike in the Western Tatra Mountains. We start at Siwa Glade at the mouth of the Chochołowska Valley. We hike up the Siwa Woda Stream, which at the mouth of the...