Autumn hike in the Makowski Beskid. From Sucha Beskidzka we ascend Makowska Góra. We set off from the Market Square where the historic Karczma Rzym is located. We take the blue trail to the viewing platform, from which there is a magnificent panorama of Sucha and nearby peaks. Then we take the blue trail to Mioduszyna, the westernmost peak in the Koskowa Góra Range. Then we ascend the Borysówka peak, which lies off the trail. At the crossroads under Makowska Góra we turn north, walk for a while on the green trail admiring the views of the Mały Beskid Mountains and the Żywiec-Orawa Beskid Mountains, and then we leave the trail and reach the peak of Makowska Góra through forest paths.

Virtual hike: Ascent to Maków Mountain through Mioduszyna from Sucha Beskidzka, Poland
Route: Sucha Beskidzka, Main Square (330 m n.p.m.; 49.742342, 19.601058) – View point (410 m n.p.m.; 49.742776, 19.609804) – Mioduszyna (633 m n.p.m.; 49.754426, 19.624844) – Borysówka (610 m n.p.m.; 49.745369, 19.651526) – Crossroads at Maków Mountain (583 m n.p.m.; 49.745118, 19.675029) – Maków Mountain (648 m n.p.m.; 49.749546, 19.681814)
Trail designation: blue trail, black trail, green trail
Length: about 9.7 km
Walking time: about 3:00 h
Sum of approaches: 495 m
Sum down: 186 m

00:00:18 Sucha Beskidzka, Main Square
00:02:21 Stryszawka River
00:06:4 Skawa River
00:08:45 Chapel
00:11:41 Going off the trail
00:17:22 View point
00:22:41 Blue trail
00:36:21 Chapel
00:37:37 Makowski Dział housing estate
00:41:04 Chapel
00:47:06 Chapel
00:59:03 Mioduszyna
01:01:43 Tourist shelter
01:26:40 Chapel
01:43:37 Going off the trail
01:53:19 Borysówka
02:04:03 Return to the blue trail
02:24:16 Monument to the Memory of the Victims of the Zagórze Estate
02:25:21 Chapel
02:34:05 Crossroads at Maków Mountain
02:36:41 Monument to those who died in the fight for the liberation of Maków Podhalański in 1945.
02:46:00 Chapel
02:46:13 Going off the trail
02:56:37 Maków Mountain

Maków Mountain – a peak at an altitude of 648 m a.s.l. in the Makowski Beskid. It is located in the western part of the Koskowa Góra Range. The north-eastern slopes descend to the Jachówka Stream, from the east it borders the Bryndzówka peak (697 m a.s.l.), the southern slopes descend to the Skawa River in Maków Podhalański and from the west it borders the Borysówka peak (610 m a.s.l.).

Hike recorded on October 8, 2024.