A summer and scenic hike in the Wyspowy Beskid. From the village of Rozdziele we ascend Łopusze, a mountain with three peaks. After reaching the blue trail, we ascend Łopusze Zachodnie, the highest peak of the Łopusze and Kobyła Range, on a fairly gentle approach. We descend to the lower peak of Łopusze Środkowe, behind which there are views of the Wyspowy Beskid and the Low Beskid Mountains. Heading further east, we reach Łopusze Zachodnie, the second highest peak of the range. We pass a historic windmill and go down a scenic road to Rozdziele.

Virtual hike: Ascent to Łopusze from Rozdziele, Poland
Route: Rozdziele Fire Department (406 m a.s.l.; 49.789220, 20.461046) – Upper Rozdziele (456 m a.s.l.; 49.789448, 20.439677) – West Łopusze (661 m a.s.l.; 49.800107, 20.448926) – Middle Łopusze (596 m a.s.l.; 49.799276, 20.459316) – East Łopusze (612 m a.s.l.; 49.800511, 20.468777) – Rozdziele Center (395 m a.s.l.; 49.788789, 20.465671)
Trail designation: blue trail
Length: about 7.7 km
Walking time: about 3:00 h
Sum of approaches: 307 m
Sum down: 320 m

00:00:17 Rozdziele Fire Department
00:22:31 Upper Rozdziele
00:22:48 Blue trail
00:44:52 Crossing of the blue and the green trails
00:51:04 Going off the trail
00:54:23 West Łopusze
01:01:24 Return to the blue trail
01:02:28 The cross commemorating the site of the 2002 plane crash
01:09:21 Middle Łopusze
01:16:42 Chapel
01:25:54 East Łopusze
01:31:37 Chapel of the Divine Mercy in Rozdziele
01:33:31 Going off the trail
01:39:32 Chapel
01:50:42 Chapel of the Immaculate Heart of Mary “Under the Linden Trees” in Rozdziele
01:55:45 Rzycki Stream
01:57:46 Rozdziele Center

Łopusze – a mountain with three peaks in the Wyspowy Beskid, in the Łopusze and Kobyła Range. The peaks of Łopusze are: West Łopusze (661 m a.s.l.), Middle Łopusze (596 m a.s.l.), East Łopusze (612 m a.s.l.).

Hike recorded on July 18, 2024.