A beautiful hike in the Čergov Mountains in Slovakia. From Kríže we ascend Veľká Javorina, one of the most attractive peaks of this mountain range. The green trail initially leads through the valley of the Solisko Stream, decorated with amazing autumn colours. After crossing the stream, we ascend the vast Vyšný lán mountain pasture with views of the Žobrák ridge and, on the other side, the Čierna jedlina hills. Then the trail leads through a colourful forest to the Panteliš peak. Behind the peak, there are long, extensive glades with views to the east of the Bukový vrch massif and to the north of the Poprad Foothills and the Sącz Beskid Mountains. We continue south, reaching the Lysina Pass, from which there are distant views of the High and Low Tatras. From the pass, along a scenic ridge, we ascend Veľká Javorina, which does not offer any views from the summit, but from the glades below the summit, you can feast your eyes on a magnificent landscape.

Virtual hike: Ascent to Veľká Javorina Mountain from Kríže, Slovakia
Route: Kríže (552 m a.s.l.; 49.242529, 21.149620) – Panteliš (899 m a.s.l.; 49.218995, 21.148472) – Lysina Pass (1029 m a.s.l.; 49.207168, 21.139629) – Veľká Javorina (1099 m a.s.l.; 49.198590, 21.146288)
Trail designation: green trail, blue trail
Length: about 5.9 km
Walking time: about 2:20 h
Sum of approaches: 546 m
Sum down: 0 m

00:00:37 Kríže
00:01:17 Crossing of trails
00:05:14 Crossing of trails
00:07:01 Solisko Stream
00:12:44 Solisko Stream
00:14:05 Solisko Stream
00:59:44 Panteliš
01:33:42 Lysina Pass
01:41:48 Cross
01:55:57 Veľká Javorina

Veľká Javorina – a peak at an altitude of 1099 m a.s.l. in the central part of the Čergov Mountains in Slovakia. It is the second highest peak of this mountain range. Veľká Javorina is located in the main ridge of the Čergov Mountains, from the east it borders the peak of Čergov (1050 m a.s.l.) and from the north-west through the Lysina Pass it borders the peak of Solisko (1057 m a.s.l.). The northern slopes descend to the Javorový potok Valley, the southern slopes descend to the Jarabinček Stream and the western slopes descend to the Tokáreň Stream. On the southern slopes there is the Vlčia Private Nature Reserve.

Hike recorded on October 25, 2024.