The second part of the summer hike in the Żywiec-Orawa Beskid Mountains. We descend from Pilsko Mountain through Uszczawne Wyżne Mountain to Korbielów. From the peak, we reach the Góra Pięciu Kopców (Five Mounds Mountain), through the top of which runs the Polish-Slovak border. At the crossroads, we turn right and take the yellow trail through the beautiful Pilsko Reserve to Hala Miziowa (Miziowa Glade). From the glade, we reach Przełęcz Buczynka (Buczynka Pass) along the green trail, visiting the Górowa Skała (Górowa Rock) formation on the way and passing through the vast Hala Jodłowcowa (Jodłowcowa Glade). From the pass, we enter Uszczawne Wyżne Mountain on a path without a trail. We return to the black trail and through the scenic Hala Uszczawne (Uszczawne Glade) we reach another peak called Malorka. We descend to Korbielów along the blue trail through Przełęcz Przysłopy (Przysłopy Pass).

Virtual hike: Descent from Pilsko Mountain through Uszczawne Wyżne to Korbielów, Poland
Route: Pilsko Mountain (1557 m a.s.l.; 49.527970, 19.316799) – Góra Pięciu Kopców (1533 m a.s.l.; 49.531090, 19.318797) Hala Miziowa (1271 m a.s.l.; 49.541178, 19.317819) – Hala Mizowa PTTK Mountain Shelter (1271 m a.s.l.; 49.540217, 19.318807) – Górowa Rock (1233 m a.s.l.; 49.544015, 19.308220) – Jodłowcowa Glade (1167 m a.s.l.; 49.548978, 19.305425) – Buczynka Pass (1115 m a.s.l.; 49.553896, 19.303499) – Uszczawne Wyżne Mountain (1145 m a.s.l.; 49.557171, 19.303676) – Uszczawne Glade (1055 m a.s.l.; 49.560219, 19.309410) – Malorka Mountain (1051 m a.s.l.; 49.562502, 19.313487) – Przysłopy Pass, crossing (858 m a.s.l.; 49.575412, 19.316049) – Korbielów, parking (602 m n.p.m.; 49.575565, 19.343614)
Trail designation: yellow trail, green trail, black trail, blue trail
Length: about 9.5 km
Walking time: about 3:00 h
Sum of approaches: 977 m
Sum down: 23 m

00:00:18 Pilsko Mountain
00:13:54 Góra Pięciu Kopców
00:24:08 Pilsko Reserve
00:51:43 Miziowa Glade
00:53:17 Hala Mizowa PTTK Mountain Shelter
00:55:03 Kamienny Stream
01:00:14 Chapel
01:09:49 Górowa Rock
01:20:58 Jodłowcowa Glade
01:29:51 Buczynka Pass
01:31:10 Chapel
01:31:44 Going off the trail
01:36:44 Uszczawne Wyżne Mountain
01:39:31 Black trail
01:48:42 Uszczawne Glade
01:52:01 Going off the trail
01:57:20 Malorka Mountain
02:02:21 Black trail
02:24:26 Chapel
02:24:36 Przysłopy Pass, crossing
02:35:34 Stream
02:45:22 Stream
02:50:21 Stream
02:56:55 Buczynka Stream
02:58:32 Korbielów, parking

Uszczawne Wyżne – a peak with a height of 1145 m a.s.l. in the Żywiec-Orawa Beskid Mountains. The name Gawory also appears on topographic maps. It is located in a ridge extending north from Pilsko.

Hike recorded on September 6, 2024.